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"Intentionally Creating Masculine Expressions of Love and Joy"

Our mission statement is the core axiom behind everything we do. Every project we take on flows from and with our mission statement.



Here at Credenzio Studios, we believe in embodying our company's motto "Forging the Extraordinary" in every way possible. In order do this effectively, we have a set of tenets, also known as principles or merits, which we strictly abide by. Our tenets guide our ethics as a company. Everyone involved with the studio must read, acknowledge, and most importantly abide by these tenets.


Tenet 1:
"All user experiences will be driven by quality, individuality and innovation."

We at Credenzio Studios believe that all the things that we create must be done with the above in mind.

Quality: We will not tolerate anything less than the designing the highest quality products within the field of what we are developing.

Individuality: Having pristine quality is not enough. All products must be designed and created in a unique and creative manner. We have no interest in copying or imitating what has already been done. We will set our own precedent and trends for others to follow, not to be followers ourselves.

Innovation: We will set the standard in the industry we operate in. We will create new and better methods to do what needs to be done, even if we risk failing. At Credenzio Studios, we will not tolerate people who refuse to think differently. No one will ever be punished or discouraged for trying and failing to create something innovative.

Tenet 2:
"Be direct and speak truth to power."

We at Credenzio Studios believe in a meritocracy of ideas and opinions. We believe in a place where ideas and concepts can be discussed openly.

One's opinion is evaluated based on the expertise of the individual with regards to what is being discussed. This does not disqualify anyone from giving their opinion on a subject, even if it is not their field.

If someone has something to say, whether that is criticism, a new controversial idea, or otherwise, they must share and speak power to what they have to say. If there are any problems within the company or its members, they must be brought up immediately and directly with the necessary parties.

It is a disservice to this company and our mission for a member of the company to hold their tongue or participate in gossip. We are not interested in echo chambers or confirmation bias. We are interested in the pursuit of truth.


Tenet 3:
"To give more in value to our users than we charge in payment."

The primary mission of this company is to make an amazing product, not to simply make as much money as possible. We will give our users a product that is far more than what they pay for.

We will provide products that make the users want to use our products again and again, not overpriced commodities that do not have significant value. We will provide value by following Tenets 1, 5 and 6.

Tenet 4:
"The company’s direction and vision will not be influenced or compromised by ideological or political beliefs."

Our company is here to entertain and provide value to our users. We are not here to make ideological or political statements. We will not compromise in order to appease a certain percentage of their users, while isolating and betraying others.

Our job is to make games, not play political ones. Furthermore, none of our decisions will take outside ideological or political beliefs into account, regardless of the social climate or circumstance. Our priority is creating a great product.


Tenet 5:
"To honor our users' requests while ensuring the integrity of  the company’s vision."

As a company, our role and job is to listen and provide products to our users, and potential future users. If we are not abiding by what most of our users think, or providing what most of our users want, we are not doing our job correctly. We will do what we can to provide the best experience possible for our users.

The integrity of the vision of the company will take precedent in the circumstance of a conflict between it and the requests of the users. In some situations users can lack the knowledge and perspective that we as developers have about our product, and in these instances of ignorance we must do what is right for the future with regards to our vision and users long term, not just what will appease our users today.

Tenet 6:
"To always focus on the top priority at all times until that priority is accomplished."

The definition of priority is "something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives". Thus, it is only logical that the priority is the only thing that should be focused on at a given time. Priorities should be determined by the individual asking themselves “What's the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

Despite how important something may seem, all individuals at this company must ask themselves the previous question frequently to truly determine what it is they need to be working on. If a member of the company is not working on the priority, time is being wasted.

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